Pseudocyst formation in Acute Pancreatitis

Sonographic Findings in Acute Pancreatitis:
In the early stages of acute pancreatitis, the gland may not show swelling. But when swelling does occur, the gland is hypoechoic to anechoic due to increased edema within the lobulations of the gland and the congestion of the vessels.
The borders may be somewhat indistinct but usually remain regular with smooth lobulations. On the longitudinal scan, the swollen head of the pancreas may compress the inferior vena cava.
There are some secondary effects and complications to Pancreatitis as the pancreatic duct may be enlarged secondary to inflammation, spasm, edema, swelling of the papilla, or pseudocyst formation.

Pseudocyst of the Pancreatic Tail:
Longitudinal scan of the left upper quadrant demonstrates a pseudocyst formation near the tail of the pancreas. The mass is anterior to the left kidney and contains debris located near the posterior of the pseudocyst. A smaller daughter cyst is seen anterior to the larger pseudocyst.